I have a condition. It's called resting bitch face. And it's pretty serious. So serious, in fact, complete strangers often yell at me: "Why you look so mad? Smile!"

I used to try to explain, "Hey, I'm not angry or anything, this is just what my face looks like ..." Or, God forbid, what if I was actually was having a bad day? Is it OK to not be smiling then? Not according to men who don't know me, yet are are compelled to make my face their business and harass me. Luckily, there's a new video that will teach me to smile all the time, so that my serious face will never ever again ruin some random dude's day. It's called "Smile Bitch Training Camp".

The video was written and produced by comedian, Janelle James. Like lots of women, she's been catcalled. As part of her routine; she incorporates stories about all the crazy crap men on the street have shouted at her over the years.

A particularly memorable time, a guy yelled "Smile, bitch!" She thought it was hilarious (aside from obviously being annoying and rude), and realized that little bit might make a good video.

The Internet seems to agree.

Since posting to YouTube on August 5th, the video has had over 250,000 views. Read more on why Janelle made the video here.

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