Korea seems to be known for odd things.  Their leaders, horror movies, bizarre sculptures.  This is one of those.

I'm sure when the Lotte Shopping Center in Busan asked for a Spider-man sculpture to hang over the children's play area, they weren't imagining the artist would be thinking about Spider-man's "natural state in the morning".  Seriously, that's the guy's excuse for building a Spider-man statue with a raging boner.

My reason for making this piece was to apply the natural and physical phenomenon to a Superhero and depict it natural in the morning without lies and being superficial in a comical way"

via Lockerdome

"Hey kids!  Your overly-friendly neighborhood Spider-man is here!"

Apparently, Spider-man is a fan of "The Bridge" position from the Kama-Sutra, and the artist, Eunsuk Yoo, has a boner for Spidey!

Poor, misunderstood Eunsuk Yoo has been asked to "modify" the statue, but in a pissy voice, he cried and yelled, "I'll just take it down and put it in my boudoir!"  Apparently he has a boudoir, too.

photo Lockerdome

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