Each week at WGRD.com we feature the best of Recoil Magazine.  Recoil is a free news satire/local entertainment magazine based in the West Michigan area and published on the 1st of every month.

Half of Recoil’s content – edgy social and political satire – is intended to poke fun at contemporary news conventions and access, and to offer a humorous and provocative reflection of the state of modern society. The second half of Recoil’s 68 pages aims to strengthen the fiber of our local community by providing a comprehensive guide to quality West Michigan entertainment, reporting uncommon local interest stories, and presenting other features and columns pertinent to the culture of our area.

  • Recoil Magazine
    Recoil Magazine

    U.S. Launches Mercury Probe In Attempt To Solve Syrian Crisis

    Merritt Island, Fla. – NASA officials told reporters Tuesday that it is still too early to gauge how effective the recently launched Mercury space probe Distractor will be in bringing about a resolution to the escalating conflict in Syria.

  • Recoil Magazine
    Recoil Magazine

    Area Man Wondering How Many Times He’ll Have To Ask Before Wife Tells Him What’s Wrong

    Kalamazoo, Mich. – Local husband James Myers, 34, struggled Sunday to predict how many times he’d have to ask before his wife Lena would end her silent standoff and unleash upon on him the inevitable torrent of anger, frustration and utter ire that’s been eating at her all day even though she won’t admit it. While it was unclear what had precipitated this instance of his wife’s internal rage – which is nearly always followed by the eventual eruption of yelling, blaming and name-calling – Myers admitted that the actual moment of catharsis is impossible to anticipate or instigate. “I can’t tell how close it is, ever."

  • Recoil Magazine
    Recoil Magazine

    Band’s Tracks Previously Unreleased For Good Reason

    Hollywood, Calif. – Fans of legendary grunge band Nirvana gathered at a Hollywood Tower Records store shortly before midnight Monday night to be the first to hear and buy Lost, a new collection of previously unreleased Nirvana tracks that fans and critics alike agree had remained previously unreleased for good reason.

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    Inexperienced Embezzler Microwaves Books

    Kissimee, Fla. – Confused Wells Fargo Bank teller Gary Langlois failed to misappropriate company funds in his favor last week when the 22-year-old placed several of the bank’s accounting ledgers into the break room microwave in an attempt to “cook the books,” bank officials reported Thursday.

  • Recoil Magazine
    Recoil Magazine

    Exciting Work In String Theory Really Not All That Exciting

    Cambridge, Mass. – Sources close to string theorist Brian Greene told sources Monday that, contradictory to his insistence, Greene’s recent work in string theory does not really seem all that exciting. “Last night at a dinner party, Brian started describing some of the ‘exciting new developments’ in his work as a string theorist, which, honestly, none of us found terribly exciting,” said Walter Perry, Greene’s neighbor.

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